Take the Google Challenge
So a friend and I were in a bookstore, and we found ourselves in the photography section, looking for a famous photograph she remembered - a famous photograph that, for some reason, we couldn't find in any of their books. (Blame Barnes & Noble.) "But of course," we told each other, "we can find it on the Internet." So, when we got to a computer, we looked for it...
And... well, we found it. But, to our surprise, it was actually very difficult to find. So here's what I want to know: is my pride in my Internet searching prowess badly misplaced, or was it really as hard as all that?
Yes, it's a contest. Anyone can enter - anyone who would like to satisfy my curiosity, and who has some time to kill, dead, with a stake through its heart. You're on your honor, but if you can do it in under thirty minutes, I for one will not consider your honor tarnished. I'll give you the same information (from my friend's memory) that we had when we started our search:
We were looking for a famous Life Magazine picture from the 50s, of a woman who had committed suicide by jumping off the Empire State Building. She had landed on a car, smashing it, of course. Possibly because the photo was in black and white, there was no visible blood, and she actually looked quite peaceful, as if she were sleeping... on a crumpled car.
That's it. I'll post results, impressions, gratuitous insults if any, and, eventually, a link to the answer. (My answer, that is.) Ready?
Did it. Found it in about three minutes. Do you want me to put the search term that led to the result?
Tell me! I wasted lots of time paging through "Life Magazine" reprint sites. Teach me to put any faith at all commercial results.
"picture empire state building suicide crumpled car"
I should note that it wasn't my first search string, though--I played around with some variations. I tried a Google Images search, but that was worthless. So I put "picture" first in the string, figuring I'd get better results that way.
Wow - a direct hit! I am impressed. I actually got so disgusted with Google Image Search, and Google in general, that I dropped out and went to clusty.com, where I found it very quickly, under a "cluster" called "famous photos." I can't offhand remember the search terms I used but I seem to recall that by then I had a precise fix on the date, so I think I used "1947" as a term.
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