Our Little Genius
Here's Girl's latest song:
A, B, C, D,And then laugh uproariously.
I never should have bought her that "Baby 2 Live Crew" video.
I don't even care what I think.
Here's Girl's latest song:
A, B, C, D,And then laugh uproariously.
Day 1 of our contracts take-home midterm, and what did I do this afternoon? I read the Supreme Court's decision on the Whitewater Special Counsel's attempt to get notes from Vince Foster's attorney. 524 U.S. 399 (1998). What does this have to do with contracts? Not a blessed thing.
Attorney/Client: A Scheme Deferred
What happens to the Privilege
When the client’s died?
Does it lie there in the sun
Like a raisin, dried?
Or limp like a discarded sock
That’s not been mended-
And you wonder, why save it?
Does it last till the estate’s been ended?
Or till the heirs agree to waive it?
What if it covers up a crime
Like a coat of grime—
Can it be overcome
by a subpoena or Grand Jury?
When need the lawyer worry?
Is it never?
Turns out the Privilege lasts forever.
Another day, another...
So (former) Representative Mark Foley just checked himself into a rehab clinic. Oh, turns out he's an alcoholic. Or anyway, it could be, though he's not quite sure. ''I strongly believe that I am an alcoholic and have accepted the need for immediate treatment for alcoholism and other behavioral problems," he said. (I don't think he really said that, I think he "released" it.)
Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., who is single, apologized Friday for letting down his family and constituents.Um... "single"? Delicately put.